Webinars To Inspire

Photos from left :Li-Anne Tang, Ariya Baumann and Ven Canda Bhikkhuni
In 2024 we have held three inspiring webinars.
Li-Anne Tang: Weaving Meditation into the Fabric of your Life. If you would like to bring more awareness to all aspects of your life – not just when you’re sitting on the cushion - I recommend this webinar. As Li-Anne says ‘this is really what meditation is’. She is the author of ‘Get Off Your Cushion’.
Ariya Baumann: Making Friends with the Dhamma’. Ariya is from Switzerland. She spent many years practicing and teaching in Myanmar where she was in robes for some time. She established a charity called ‘Metta in Action’ which supports Myanmar nuns.
Ven Canda Bhikkhuni : ‘Bhikkhunis - towards a Better Future’. Ven Canda inspires with her passion for the Dhamma and for Bhikkhunis! She overcame many hurdles to commence the first Bhikkhuni Monastery in the UK.
These inspirational Webinarsareavailable on our Youtube Channel
And you can find the transcripts here

Diary Date :
Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia from June 15-23, 2025
“Navigating Change : Buddhist Women in Transition.
Sakyadhita International is pleased to invite you to the 19th International Conference on Buddhist Women to be held in Sarawak in June 2025. The Conference will be followed by a two day tour. Sarawak is home to many diverse cultures. religious traditions and astonishing biodiversity . Varied landscapes and cuisines make a visit to Sarawak an artistic and culinary adventure. Bookings will open in 2025.
In the recent Summer 2025 newsletter -
Articles include:
The June 2025 Sakyadhita International Conference in Borneo
An exciting travel opportunity to Ladakh and Dharamsala.
A new home for the Atisha Nuns.
Dharma Book Reviews
A Peace and Human Rights symposium
What’s happening in your state – from poetry in Kings Park to the Big Love festival celebrating 50 years at Chenrezig and a new Retreat Centre opening at Newbury in Victoria.
Catch up on the latest Sakyadhita International Newsletter, you can read about -
Celebrating Buddhist Women’s Voices in the Tibetan Tradition
The historic nuns ordination in Bhutan
The extraordinary 20th-century scholar-practitioner Freda Bedi
And much more ..

Sakyadhita Fundraising Pilgrimage to Ladakh and Dharamsala, India 1-14 June 2025

Join us on this Sakyadhita Australia Fundraising Pilgrimage as we travel deep into the mountains of Ladakh and to the foothills of Dharamsala, the home of the Dalai Lama. By participating in this pilgrimage, you will be supporting a nun/s to attend the 2025 Sakyadhita International Conference in Borneo, Malaysia.
We’ll begin by visiting the spectacularly isolated mountains of Ladakh, one of the few remaining strongholds of Tibetan Buddhism in the world. It was opened to tourists in the mid-70s, and since then thousands of people from around the world have thronged to this bastion of Himalayan Buddhism.
We will then travel to Dharamsala, home to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile. We’ll continue to immerse ourselves in Tibetan culture and Buddhist traditions as we explore this fascinating part of the world. We’ll visit significant monasteries and nunneries in the area, including Dolma Ling Nunnery, Tashi Jong and Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s nunnery, Dongyu Gatsal Ling (DGL).
Full details and booking form https://eknotravels.com/tours/sakyadhita-australia-fundraising-pilgrimage-to-ladakh-and-dharamsala/
Sakyadhita International was formed in 1987 in Bodhgaya India under the patronage of HH the Dalai Lama. It seeks to build community to benefit Buddhist women and nuns, to reduce gender injustice and awaken women to their potential.
Every two years Sakyadhita International organises a conference where Buddhists- Sangha and laypeople - come together to share issues affecting Buddhist women and the wider society. Because pf Covid 19 the 2020 Conference was delayed and will now be held digitally Dec 26-28th 2021.
The Australian branch was formed after the Indonesian Conference in 2015. It has national representation and is affiliated with Sakyadhita International.